“April rain is not a cause to complain; it’s busy preparing the terrain for spring to sustain.”
As April unfolds, it brings with it a sense of transition and transformation. We witness the remnants of winter slowly giving way to the budding signs of spring, creating a unique in-between period where the weather fluctuates between rain, cold winds, and occasional bursts of sunshine. This fluctuation mirrors the shifts we experience in our own lives - the ebb and flow of change and new beginnings.
The drab colors of the March landscape gradually give way to fresh spring greens as April showers encourage the season's new growth in vibrant hues, symbolizing a fresh start and the promise of new beginnings. The air becomes charged with the energy of renewal, and I can't help but be captivated by the beauty that emerges from these seasonal changes.
As an artist, I find myself deeply inspired by this season of transformation. I feel a deep sense of anticipation for the coming spring as I watch the new bulbs slowly emerge from the ground, encouraged by April showers and the brief afternoon sun. There is a stirring in my own heart to participate in this change.
“April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring renewal and growth.” ~ Mandy Harrison
“I’m drawn to the studio to paint the tulips and daffodils that I see in my mind's eye as I await their blossoming in my own garden. The cherry blossoms will be next, filling the air with their heady scent, attracting the first hummingbirds as they arrive in our valley. I’ve captured both in this new 8x10 painting.
"Hummingbird darts lightly through the world, spreading its message of joy and beauty, and teaching us to appreciate the wonder and magic of everyday existence." - Unknown
My pink dogwood tree is loaded with buds, and there is a neighboring white dogwood loaded with buds as well. I feel the call to include these in a painting. Both the stellar and blue jays have been visiting my yard daily, and I’m excited to include them as well. Ideas are percolating for a new series of paintings…

Just as a barren landscape is gradually transformed into a blossoming garden, our creative journey is marked by moments of growth, exploration, and reinvention. Taking inspiration from spring's new beginnings, I feel the seeds of a new series of paintings beginning to blossom as well. This new work will celebrate some of the many bird varieties that visit our area and, in particular, my garden landscape.
April, ”this in-between month,” with its unpredictable weather and fleeting moments of sunshine, serves as a gentle reminder that change is constant and necessary for growth. It’s a special time as the land awakens. I hear the whispers of creativity sparking new ideas and possibilities, and I’m excited to see what new paintings will emerge this year.
Join My List and follow along as I develop this new series of paintings.
I create whimsical, carefree art that uplifts your spirits and beautifies your walls with colour and joy all year long.